Webull and Market Makers Destroyed the Portfolio.

As the market makers kept devising new means and contrivances to attack my portfolio, I was still sending Webull daily data in belief that they were conducting an investigation. On December 30, 2021, the Webull portfolio was manipulated to close at $6000. On that date, RIDE, which was 94 percent of the account closed at $3.54. By January 4th, I heard back from Webull. Webull suddenly turned defensive. Below is the Webull portfolio through January 21, 2022 MORE LATER!


Webull on January 20.

The top picture is the Webull account today, Sunday, January 23, 2022. The market makers and their associated manipulators had brought the account to a total loss, capping efforts they intensified in August 2021.

Webull on Jan 5. You see anything here?

Beyond what you can see here, I made a point of sending Webull a similar screenshot on January 7th. Webull had an explanation. Jay, a Webull representative, stated that their technology was having “adverse effects on my NAV.”

Webull on January 12.

Until January 21, 2021, when the securities fraudsters, parading as market makers, descended on my accounts, Webull kept issuing margin calls, getting defensive, complaining about no one willing to take the other side of my trades, and explaining away the complaints we sent to them, including the continuing data that the company had asked me to keep sending. Webull even started defending the market makers and stating one reason one day and another the next as the cause of the wild and wide gyrations in my net asset value. Well, we got to Friday, January 21, 2021, and now we are set for the next steps.


Project Three-Webull Account Manipulation