Above was the Webull Portfolio on October 18, 2021. From then, the gang of MMs and insiders working with them started attacking the NAV on a daily basis, obtaining information about the account and deposits.
On Monday October, 18, 2021, within one minute of the stock market opening by 9.30 AM, the cash value of my portfolio dropped from $110000 to $44,000. Within the next minute, it recovered to $75000, and kept going from $45,000 to $80,000 in that first three minutes. By 9.40 AM, the account value has returned to $104000. Please note that while all these were happening, the prices of the shares in the account had barely moved. Please see attached video and photos. In another video shot at 9.30 AM on October 19, 2021, market opens at 9.30 and the market makers attack the Webull portfolio and manipulated the positions in the account. By 9.31 AM, total account value has been depressed to $73000 from $110655. This is the new device…and would last till Friday, January 2021. See Project Four.